Lokad is a proud user of Windows Azure, the cloud computing plateform of Microsoft. Our forecasting technology would be nowhere as scalable and accurate without Azure.

Cloud computing opens tremendous opportunities as far reliability, security, performance and costs are concerned. Yet, to get the most out of the cloud, apps have to be natively designed for the cloud. Our current cloudy architecture is drawn below.

Our migration toward Azure costed us about 1 year of efforts that spread from late 2008 to early 2010 (which was still pretty fast considering the tremendous challenge it represented to redesign the architecture from scratch).

Best patterns and practices for entreprise apps in the cloud are still a very nascent area. At Lokad, we want to share our experience and get feedback from the community.

Although Lokad is not an open source company, we release as open source components that we believe to be applicable to other businesses. As a matter of fact, we are supporting multiple open source projects such as:

  • Lokad.Cloud - an O/C mapper for Windows Azure (object to cloud)
  • Lokad.CQRS - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation for Windows Azure.

 Willing to design an enterprise app on the cloud? Make sure you check those two projects.