We have released today Lokad Desktop Sales Forecasting v1.0. Get sales forecasts integrated into your favorite accounting/commerce/ERP application.

Lokad Desktop comes with an extended application support compared to Lokad ASP.Net Sales Forecasting. Supported applications include

  • (new) ADempiere
  • AspDotNetStoreFront
  • Commerce Starter Kit
  • (new) Compiere
  • Mediachase eCommerce Framework
  • (new) Microsoft Dynamics POS (Point Of Sales)
  • (new) Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Retail Management System)
  • .netCART
  • (new) osCommerce
  • (new) SmileHouse Workspace

With Lokad Desktop, the sales forecasts can be easily transfered into an other spreadsheet application (such as Microsoft Excel) through copy & paste.

Lokad Desktop comes a regular windows application (packaged through the usual Windows Installer). The application is released under a BSD open source application.