Happy New Year 2009 - LSSC 2.0 released

The Lokad team wish you a Happy New Year 2009. A first contribution for 2009, we are proud to announce the release of the version 2.0 of Lokad Safety Stock Calculator (LSSC).
This version features support for Events and Tags. Feeding this optional information to Lokad infrastructure will help it to be more precise with the forecasts.

Event meta-data are especially useful to tell Lokad about your ongoing marketing operations. Tags are giving hints about product similarities based on the product descriptions.
Other features include:
- Migration to the new Lokad SDKv2 that makes all upload and download operations much more reliable and tolerant to the networking issues and capable of uploading hundreds of megabytes of data in one session.
- Facilitate the export of your LSSC report toward Microsoft Excel.
- Support for Tags and Events in LSSC Adapter Editor.
Any feedback on those new features will be greatly appreciated. We are already planning a guide for choosing the most efficient Tags+Events. Stay tuned.