Today, Lokad has been announced as the Windows Azure Platform Partner of Year by Microsoft. This year, Lokad has been chosen among the nearly 3000 entrants worldwide for those awards.

This award recognizes Lokad for demonstrating innovation, competitive differentiation and customer value by using Windows Azure. The Microsoft Partner Awards recognize partners that have delivered exceptional Microsoft-based solutions over the last year.

The Lokad team is extremely proud of achieving this level of recognition. The last French company to get an equivalent award was Dassault Systèmes, the largest French software company and it was two years ago.

As outlined in our previous post, we have been working hard to really get the most of Windows Azure. We did not just port an existing technology toward the cloud, but we did re-design from scratch a cloud-native architecture.

Our ambition is to deliver the most accurate and most scalable forecasts of the market. Windows Azure has already demultiplied our efforts and the results we bring to our clients on a daily basis, but that’s only the start. We firmly intend to keep up with the hard work to unleash all Windows Azure potential for the next generation of business analytics.

Reader Comments (9)

Fantastic achievement Joannes & team! You deserve this accolade and I will bet there is more to come. Lokad is a great product. - keep up the good work. Jack Gerrard Principal - uniCenta 8 years ago | Jack Gerrard

This is awesome, thanks for your partnership on Windows Azure 8 years ago | Prashant Ketkar

Lokad is the global flagship of Microsoft Azure. Lokad is BIG, and will become GREAT very soon. Regards, Didier 8 years ago | Didier Tranchier

Congratulations Joannes! That’s definitely a great achievement. 8 years ago | Sergey Pozhilov

That’s a great achievent, Joannes. Congratulation! I think you should issue a press release about this. 8 years ago | Dennis Crane

Telecom ParisTech Entrepreneurs incubator is very proud ! Congratulations to you Joannes and your team ! Hugues Billaudot, Entrepreneurship manager. 8 years ago | Hugues Billaudot

Congratulations are in order for you Joannes and for the Lokad team for such splendid headway, always striving for excellence and to be on top ! Félicitations ! 8 years ago | Elizabeth Devlin

Congratulations. Well deserved!! 8 years ago | Gaurav Mantri

Wow cool, congratulations! 8 years ago | Dario Solera