Are you controlling the system or is the system controlling you?

Comic from Lokad's supply chain series, titled 'Are you controlling the system or is the system controlling you?', showing a side-by-side comparison of a man at his computer 'New system rollout' versus 'Three years later'. In the first panel, the man appears content, with a simple smiley face on his computer screen and one task. The workspace is clean and uncluttered. In the second panel, the same man looks overwhelmed and stressed, the computer screen now crowded with alerts and notifications like 'too late!', 'delayed', 'reminder', 'overdue', 'urgent', and 'important'. The grinning smile on the screen is reflecting the system gaining control over man. The workspace is messy, indicating the complexity and workload have become unmanageable over time.

Artist: Marina Besfamilnaya