RevimaのOlivier Legrand(社長);Brice Arias(Revimaの供給チェーンマネージャー、APU&Landing gear MRO);Sebastien Honore(Revima LDG - バイヤー&プランナー);Thomas Niel(Revima Purchasing Group);およびLokadのOperations DirectorであるSimon Schalitとの独占インタビュー。



Revima’s supply chain experts explain how their collaboration with Lokad is helping them to tackle their logistical challenges; including, amongst others, global supply chain disruptions, prioritized inventory replenishment and, crucially, identifying parts that need to be scrapped.

Recorded at their MRO facilities in Normandy, France, Revima’s supply chain experts explain how their collaboration with Lokad is helping them to tackle their logistical challenges; including, amongst others, global supply chain disruptions, prioritized inventory replenishment and, crucially, identifying parts that need to be scrapped.