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We have just been selected startup of the week on the BizSparkDB by Microsoft. Check out the interview of Lokad with Julien Cordorniou, creator of the BizSpark program.

According to Julien Codorniou, Lokad is the first French startup to hit this place. Special thanks to the BizSpark team who made this possible.

Reader Comments (3)

Hi Adtya, sorry for the delayed answer. I did buy the domain “” after a meeting at the Entrepreneurship Club of the INSEAD thinking about a business where local ads would be delivered through networked digital screens located in bars, queue lines in movie theaters, cheap restaurants, … Intuitively, the idea was that at some point in a not-so-distant future, delivering ads the digital way would be cheaper than traditional paper prints, because you need no manpower to “update” your ads. After a while, we did give up the idea because of the huge investments that would have been needed to kick-off such a business. Then, I started a software forecasting project, and the domain name was recycled for that purpose. 9 years ago | Joannes Vermorel

Having read your interview at the microsoft bizspark site, I am now curious as to what your orginal business plan was. If you dont mind sharing!! 9 years ago | aditya

Congrats Joannes ! 9 years ago | emmanuel