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Jul 21, 2023
Supply chain management: software, math, statistics...
Jul 7, 2023
What if the industry standard is wrong?
Jun 30, 2023
De-risking high-impact projects
Jun 23, 2023
Be caferul what you negotiate for
Jun 16, 2023
POCs in software development are nonsense
May 19, 2023
Everybody wants the new shiny thing, but nobody wants to change
May 12, 2023
Are you controlling the system or is the system controlling you?
May 5, 2023
Increasing the assortment certainly increases supply chain complexity
Apr 28, 2023
The correlation causation paradox in supply chain
Apr 21, 2023
Seeing the solution rather than the problem
Apr 14, 2023
One Size Fits All rarely works in Supply Chains
Apr 7, 2023
Your peers can be your biggest enemies